steaming hot
freshly squeezed
hand popped


I am Alvin Costa and I started Costa’s Finest Kettle Corn with my wife Hilda and my two sons Lance and Logan.

I have always loved popcorn. In 2009 on a camping trip at Pismo on the beach, I had this great idea of popping popcorn over the fire. I had everyone sit around the fire and handed them all a bowl. I proceeded to pop popcorn over the fire in an open frying disk. As the popcorn started to pop everyone started to get up off their seats and run. The popcorn was hot and flying everywhere. We all got a great laugh and some of us still have the burn marks.

The following year on our yearly camping trip in Pismo, I experimented with a huge pot over a burner 

I added sugar and even tried brown sugar for a caramel flavor. It was not bad. I think that is when I really started to think that doing kettle corn would be fun.

The next year when we went camping to Pismo, I had a buddy of mine cut out the top of a keg. I used that over the fire because it was round on the bottom and I could stir it better. A few buddies and I took the keg to a neighbor campsite and popped the flavors apple, blueberry and cotton candy for all the kids. They loved it and I loved making it for them.

When we came back from that camping trip I started doing some research and talking to some kettle guys. I talked to Jax Kettle Corn and he helped me. Then a good friend of mine built me a set up for my kettle. From then I have been popping events all over. Now I have two kettles and soon to have three. If we are popping at a function that does not charge us for a space fee and it is some type of fundraiser we give back 20% of the days’ earnings to that activity.

Costa’s Finest Kettle Corn have participated in many events over the years and is looking to be a part of more in the upcoming years.  Farmers markets, street fairs, soccer tournaments, swim meets, football games, weddings, birthdays, baby showers, bridal showers, corporate events, and bloodless bullfights just to name a few.

Costa's FKC (10)